Waiting forever for shortlists – You won’t be attracting the best possible solar candidates and will be receiving irrelevant shortlists filled with candidates who won’t share your values or push your business forward. This is due to standard recruitment’s weak value propositions and a lack of network.
Hidden recruitment fees – With standard recruitment being all about ‘BIG FEES’, costs constantly get renegotiated and hidden. This disrupts your budget and ruins your financial plans!
Candidate mismatch and poor retention rates – Standard recruiters will neglect the candidate’s cultural fit and shared values when sourcing solar talent, leading to inevitable commercial downtime. This will lose your business time and money to rehire and gamble all over again! Hint: it can easily reach over £165K.
Reputation damage by self-serving consultants – Standard recruiters will do anything to submit a shortlist, cutting corners and neglecting senior solar talent at the drop of a hat. This reflects directly on your business, losing out on quality senior candidates now and in the future.
Actively INCREASING your carbon footprint – As a company driving sustainability, why work with standard recruiters whose internal operations actually increase your carbon footprint as your chosen supplier?